Rhinebeck Resident Sets the MidHudson Bridge Aglow for Pollinators!
Next week, June 21-27, is pollinator week! Cecily Frazier arranged for the MidHudson Bridge to be draped in orange and yellow in honor of pollinators on June 21-23.
Cecily, who is a Cornell Cooperative Extension master gardener and Rhinebeck Community Garden member, explains, "We all need to celebrate and recognize the vital role pollinators play in our lives and all that they do for us and the plants that rely on them. They provide 1/3 of all the foods we eat, including the really important ones like chocolate, vanilla and coffee—not to mention apples, blueberries, and even the silage that cows need to provide milk! We would be in a sorry spot without them. They are suffering enormously from the effects of climate change and loss of habitat. I hope they see the lights and remember how much these creatures do for us." To learn more go to: www.pollinator.org or www.pollinator-pathway.org.
Want to Volunteer to Start a Pollinator Pathway in Rhinebeck? Email us at info@climatesmartrhinebeck.org