Electric Vehicles
The Village of Rhinebeck has two locations with public charging stations:
In the main municipal parking lot
In the smaller municipal lot behind Village Hall, Firehouse, & Police Department
We require payment to cover the cost of maintaining the charging stations and the electricity.

EV Curious?
Electric Vehicle Resources
Here are some helpful handouts from our Clean Energy Communities rep and very special EV-enthusiast, Trustee Bertozzi’s 11-year-old son (!):
Drive Clean NY Rebate Fact Sheet - Did you know you can get up to $2000 from NY State?
Electric Vehicle Guide - A visual catalogue of EVs and plug-in hybrids sorted from least expensive, plus a charger 101. Did you know you can get up to $7500 from the Federal government?
5 Reasons to Consider an Electric Car - 1 pager
Great New EVs to Buy - A list of new models with range, safety ratings and cargo space, compiled by Lucky Duzyj
Did you know that NY State predicts that all new vehicles sold in NYS will be electric or hybrid by 2030?
The Village and Town governments partnered on a campaign as part of the Clean Energy Communities program under NYSERDA. We held an event to educate the public about EVs, where neighbors brought their EVs and offered to chat and do a test ride with folks interested in making the switch.
Because 5 Rhinebeck residents purchase a new EV or plugin hybrid during our campaign (August to December 31, 2023), the local goverment will receive a $5000 grant from NYSERDA to put towards other clean energy and energy efficiency projects!