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Climate Vulnerabilities: Focus Group with Older Adults

The Village and Town of Rhinebeck are hosting this focus group as part of our "Climate Adaptation Planning” work to understand impacts of climate change here in Rhinebeck. During this research phase, we want to be particularly mindful of the needs of vulnerable groups. We've identified older adults as a large segment of our population who may have particular concerns. 

The purpose of this focus group is to hear about the experiences of older adults in the face of climate change and its firsthand impacts on your lives here in Rhinebeck. 

The format will be a roundtable of about 15 participants. Facilitators will prompt conversation, keep us focused, and take notes. This is an exercise where there are no "right or wrong answers".  We are looking for folks who care about the community and are willing to share their perspective and listen actively to others as well. Results of the focus group will be anonymized. 

 Contact Trustee Bertozzi if you’d like to be involved as a participant or volunteer facilitator:

April 27

Earth Day Celebration 2024

August 10

Repair Cafe